Explorique is a unique and dynamic program crafted specifically for school children from Standard VI onwards. It aims to ignite curiosity and foster a spirit of discovery among young minds, empowering them with skills that go beyond the traditional curriculum. Through interactive learning experiences, hands-on activities, and real-world problem-solving challenges, Explorique encourages students to explore their interests, develop critical thinking abilities, and build a solid foundation for future academic and personal success.
The mission of Explorique is to ensure that every child is fully equipped to flourish in the modern world. We ignite the potential of young minds worldwide, transforming them into innovators, value creators, and problem solvers. Through our vibrant edtech platform and thoughtfully crafted curriculum, we bring entrepreneurship education to life—making it accessible, affordable, and inspiring. Partnering with schools and educational institutions, we prepare students to excel in an ever-evolving global landscape.
Did you know that students can take advantage of the benefits of entrepreneurship education even before they enter college?
An entrepreneurship-focused education can help middle and high-school age students develop crucial life skills that will serve them well beyond the classroom walls.
What Is Entrepreneurship Education?
Entrepreneurship education focuses on developing real-world skills that will help students to lead exceptional lives in a rapidly changing world.
Entrepreneurship education teaches students crucial life skills, such as:
How to collaborate and work with a team
How to speak in public and prepare an effective presentation
How to collect and analyze data
How to use social media as an advocacy tool
How to solve real, complex problems that don’t have a definitive answer
How to use curiosity and creativity to find an innovative approach to difficult problems
Students learn to understand the product development cycle, come up with their own unique business proposals, and deliver multiple pitch presentations. This process results in a superior college prep experience that serves our students long after they've graduated high-school.
Entrepreneurship education does not just benefit those entering the fields of science, technology, and business. Students of art, music, and humanities can develop their imagination and learn how to apply creative thinking skills to real-world problems.