A journey of a thousand miles...

When discussing the need to transform mindsets and culture to establish an entrepreneurial institution or nation—similar to China's success—it is insufficient to implement superficial or arbitrary programs and expect revolutionary results. Many existing programs in the market focus on themes and processes, yet they often overlook and never utter about the tangible outcomes. And Unfortunately, one of the most significant outcomes of such programs frequently boils down to mere "social media stunts."

Anything which cannot be measured cannot be improved.

Through extensive trial and error, Founders' Valley has developed a unique formula capable of delivering the transformation that many discuss but few achieve. FV is even prepared to challenge the management of any institution to conduct monthly reviews of the targets and deliverables established at the time of signing the agreement. A sample format of partial deliverables is included in Annexure 1.

The foundation of creating an entrepreneurial institution or college lies in understanding how to influence, impact, and shape the core culture. Without establishing these fundamental pillars, any entrepreneurship program is likely to falter. Founders' Valley has identified four pillars that must be equally created and nurtured with the same emphasis to achieve the desired outcomes.

We do  not train the students to become entrepreneurs, we just expose them to the infinite possibilities of life and forge them as leaders. Entrepreneurs are always a sub-set of leaders. The outcomes of the programs and engagements are meticulously measured using a matrix, which is reviewed by the college or institution management on a monthly basis. Below is a partial list of goals presented in a review format.

Annexure 1.

The Flagship Programs

Each program is treated like a PhD subject, with extensive research conducted to ensure that the focus is on achieving measurable outcomes from day one.